Monthly Archives: October 2020

I Really Didn’t Know There’d Be The Day…

vacuumToday Kaylee had a friend over and while they were practicing a dance number in the living room, I was vacuuming my bedroom.  As I mindlessly pushed the vacuum over minimal dirt, I had a random thought.  I thought I should send a message to Brianna, Erica, or Taylor to let them know what I was doing.

Brianna, Erica, and Taylor are my other daughters’ friends.  They are grown women with homes of their own now, but I was reflecting on how different their visits to our home were than that of today’s guest. When these three came to visit they found a home full of kids and chaos.  Piles of laundry everywhere, open bags of chips on the couch, crying babies, loud music, whining, leftover scraps of paper from school projects, and dust enough to write in. That was the status of the home they visited. Full of love, but full of mess.

Today’s home is also full of love, but not full of mess.  This isn’t to say that I took a class on housework and now have mastered the skill, this is just to say that the chaos has grown and moved on and so have we. All but one of the kids is gone and with it, they took their busy schedules, their dirty laundry, and their favorite snacks.  They took with them the hustle and bustle and supplies that are necessary to entertain 5 + kids (we often had foster children) and the mess. This new guest has been to our home a few times and never once before her arrival did I need to grab a laundry basket to pick up a random soccer ball, dance costume, or dirty dishes.  I haven’t run through the house shutting doors or warning my daughter which room not to enter. I’ve not even had a need to rush out to the driveway to say “hello” to her parents in the hopes that they wouldn’t make it to the door.  Things are just different now. Quieter. Cleaner. Easier to maintain. I thought of this guest’s mother. She is a full time working mom with 3 kids ages 12 and under.  I bet she has unfinished puzzles on her table, books strewn across the floor somewhere, and a missing tennis shoe.  I’m not judging her, I’m remembering her. We are simply in different phases and I hope she isn’t judging me either. I hope she knows that I once was her and she will be me someday too.  Neither phase is good or bad, just different.

So, if your home is tidy or if your home is messy, live in it and enjoy it. Appreciate what you have and even what you might not have anymore.  It’s all good. And if you still have lots of kids at home, know that some Saturday not only will you have time to vacuum your bedroom (instead of slamming the door shut) but you will also have time to write about it!

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Creature of Habit

IMG_5715I am a creature of habit and my bedtime routine is no exception. Each night, I get into bed, read a bit, set the alarm, put my book on the nightstand, turn out the bedside lamp, hug a pillow and roll to my right side to close my eyes, thank the Lord, say goodnight to Him and got to sleep.

One night I was recognizing how each night I do the very same thing and it doesn’t even matter where I am. Recently I’ve been in my home, at a camp in the mountains, in a travel trailer in the desert and at my daughter’s apartment out of state. Even though the location has changed the routine has not and it brings me great comfort. It’s a comfort that no matter what the day has brought to me or where I am physically I can roll over on my right side, thank God and say “goodnight” knowing that He is there with me, tucking me in.

My comfort comes from the sameness of routine , but more importantly the knowledge that just as my routine doesn’t change, neither does my Lord & Savior. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you God and Good night.images-3

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 
                                                                                              –Hebrews 13:8
For I the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob are not consumed.  –Malachi 3:6 ESV
But you are the same and your years have no end. –Psalm 102:27

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The Plans We Made – a Book Review


The Plans We Made by Kathryn Cushman & Lauren Beccue is a Christian fiction book that grabbed my attention from the very beginning and held it for the entire 325 pages. As I begin to write this review, I find that this title is very difficult to summarize because there are multiple storylines and they are woven together so flawlessly that I don’t know which one to highlight.  This book covers the topics of family relationships and the corresponding complexities in ways that make even the most troubling event seem easy to manage. The subject matters of cancer, parenting, marriage, adoption, secrets, acceptance, and rejection are just a few of the hashtags that could be used for this book. I found all of the characters likable and I was rooting for them to work it all out and come to terms with their own unique pasts and hopeful futures. While these fictional characters were resolving the issues in their lives I found that the authors did an excellent job of making these individuals inspiring and informative and I hope that some of their advice comes to my mind when I am faced with a decision or similar situation in my own life.

When reading, I often think about who I will loan a book to when I’m finished and I found that this one was so diverse that parts of it would appeal to most people I know. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will recommend it to anyone looking for a good book to get lost in for a weekend; to anyone looking to be introduced to some new friends and for anyone looking for a happy ending.

Author’s Giveaway with Purchase


Now, go buy your copy of The Plans We Made online or at a local bookstore, then be sure to head to Lauren’s website to claim your bonus freebie! 


  • Make Your Plans in Pencil
  • The Plans We Made
  • Proverbs 19:21

Just contact Lauren with your name, address, and where you purchased the book, and she’ll send you a set. That’s it! (US only and get ’em while they last.)

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A Crown for Keeps

__James_ _1_ _NIV__3

Last night I had the privilege of watching eight beautiful young women stand on the football field in their new fall outfits waiting for one of them to be crowned Homecoming Queen. This was a true privilege since due to Covid-19 restrictions there were a limited number of spectators permitted on the grounds.  These girls were different than any other homecoming court in school history because they were being crowned during a global pandemic.  Never before, have the candidates even had to consider which mask they should wear to match their outfit.  No previous candidates had to be escorted by the king candidate and then stand at least 6 feet apart.  I thought about the previous king and queen as they passed on the crown and recognized how different things were at this event last year.  Things are simply different this year. Limited spectators, social distancing and quite honestly we weren’t sure the game would even occur, and sadly, the dance that typically follows has been indefinitely postponed.  Trials.  This is the first homecoming court that had to deal with significant trials along with the honor.  But, they stood proud and excitedly on the field and made the best of it. Many onlookers were sad for them that their “big event” couldn’t be as big as they have been previously, but in reality, those of us who have moved beyond being high school co-eds recognize that though it is quite an honor, homecoming royalty is fleeting.

In James chapter one, we are told that “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

In the midst of these trying times, these trials, I hope that those ladies on the field truly do persevere and receive the crown of life.  Only one received a crown last night, but a crown is available to all.

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