Monthly Archives: September 2021

Mosaics Make a Difference!


Mosaics make a difference! Who knew? Artists know that any kind of art makes a difference, but who knew what a difference mosaics would make for my husband and me or the small village of Mombin Crochu, Haiti. It all began for us, about 3 years ago when our daughter and son-in-law invited us to their house for a mosaic party. She invited some friends over and everyone was to create a mosaic for their mother for Mother’s Day. She had some frames and some bits of glass and she told us to simply glue some pretty glass to the glass frame. My husband chose to make a sailboat and I chose to pick some pretty colors and glue them in rows. Both of us were so proud of our work and our mothers were pleased with their gifts.

Though art is not…or should I say was not…our passion, Mombin Crochu, Haiti is. We have visited there and we help support a clinic there through Hearts 4 Haiti. That day in Richmond, VA when we were creating mosaics and laughing with friends we decided to turn mosaic making into money-making for Hearts 4 Haiti. With generous donations of glass and frames and minimal personal investments in some tools, we decided to host mosaic workshops at our home and give 100% of the proceeds to our friends in Haiti.

Since our first mosaic, we have created many more and better yet, we have helped others create and be proud of their work! In just a couple of hours, we can help others create a piece of art they can display in their homes while raising money for healthcare and food for the poorest of the poor. Mosaics do make a difference in more ways than one! Join us sometime!

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