Monthly Archives: November 2020

Joy During Advent

joy5It’s Advent and many of you know all about lighting Advent candles and having Advent wreaths as your traditions.  During Advent, we light the candles of hope, joy, love, and peace, and traditionally, each week would focus on each of those things.  But, this year, I’ve decided to focus on Joy from the very beginning of Advent. Joy. Joy. Joy. And, Joy.  Light the candle of Joy!

The Christmas season is the time of year when you see the word joy everywhere.  Ornaments, decorations, sweatshirts, and lawn ornaments all have the word. Many Christmas Carols use the word joy in them in addition to songs we sing year-round.  “I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart, down in my heart.”  So, this year especially, I think we need to remember that down in our hearts is exactly where joy resides. Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit, so it is within us and not dependent on what is going on around us.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  –Galatians 5:22-23


There is a difference between happiness and joy and to simply try to explain it, happiness depends on happenings.  Things that are going on around you and the circumstances that you are living through.  Joy is different.  Joy is from within and is a feeling. Aaaaaaaah.  We can feel joy even when we can’t be happy.  What a relief. Since joy is within us, no one can steal it. It can’t be taken from us. We have to make a decision to choose joy even when our circumstances are not what we hope for.

My favorite definition of joy is from Kay Warren. She states:

Joy is: “The settled assurance that God is in control of every detail in my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything will be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things.” (from Choose Joy, 2012)

Let’s determinedly be assured that God is in control and that everything will be all right and let’s praise God in all things…even this.  Whatever “this” is for you. No matter what today brings, remember joy is inside of you and you CAN be joyful.

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Waiting …

printerI told K that I was retreating to my studio to write for an hour…I revised it and said “at least 30 minutes” because I have been working on writing an Advent Devotional/Bible Study for a while and I need to be more diligent. I made it to the room, tried to rid myself of distractions, had my cup of tea, found my notes, and began. I needed to print out a resource so I hit the “print” button and that’s where it stopped. The document did not print and my plan of writing had stopped. I did what everyone does and selected “print” again.  Nothing. Maybe I didn’t actually select it, so I tried again. Print. Maybe I’m too far away from my wireless printer, so I picked up my laptop, sat next to the printer on the floor, and selected “print” again. Nothing. I checked my settings and made sure my wireless was turned on and the printer address was valid. Everything appeared to be set up and working. Print. Again…nothing.  Finally, I did what apparently needed to be done.  I turned off my computer. I sat for a few seconds. I turned my computer back on and then I heard it.  The whirring of the printer as it readied itself and began its work. It started shooting out multiple copies of the document that I was waiting for. One neat and tidy document appeared….and then another…and then another…and another…please stop….another…another….how many times did I push the print button?! It stopped. Aaaaah. I now sat on the floor beside my laptop, my printer, and an overabundance of documents.  I only needed one.

It made me stop and think, though, about how many times my prayer life feels like that.  I pray a prayer and want an immediate response. “Lord, fix this. Gimme this. Let me have this. I need this. I want this. Can I have it? Can I have it now?” I try all I can to get what I want. I’m not getting it. I keep demanding. It’s not working. It’s not happening. Nothing. Finally, I sit. I wait. Is that what God was after all along? I wonder. I sit and now I smile because I know that the Lord is just waiting for His timing to be right and then the abundance of blessings will be shooting out of heaven like the papers out of my printer.  I can’t wait to watch them flow! And, the best part of all…I’m not worried about God running out of blessings like I am worried about this printer running out of ink!

OK. I’ve written. Now back to my original task of an Advent Devotional. It’s coming….just wait…I hope.


Micah 7:7
But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation.
My God will hear me.

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  –2 Corinthians 9:8

Psalm 39:7
“And now, Lord, for what do I wait?
My hope is in You.

Psalm 33:20
Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.

Hosea 12:6
Therefore, return to your God,
Observe kindness and justice,
And wait for your God continually.

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord.

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A “Moment”

utah 2This fall I have coined a new term for myself.  Sometimes I find myself having “a moment.”  I actually had “a moment” while hiking in Utah with two of my daughters.  We were at Arches National Park and taking a hike to Delicate Arch.  The guidebook said it was a 3-mile hike roundtrip and I believed I was up for the challenge in spite of some recent knee and hip pain. It was a gorgeous sunny day with temperatures in the ’80s and the sky as blue as can be. We started out meandering up and down a graded gravel path, a few slightly strenuous hikes, but not much. Then, in front of me, the path became a “steep section of Slickrock” (as another blogger wrote) & the sun began to shine even brighter aka HOT!  The hike became 480 feet steadily uphill. I was finding myself getting hotter, more winded, and nauseous.  Altitude sickness is a real thing and it decided to visit me halfway up this steep slope. I found a tiny bit of shade from a desert shrub and I huddled in it. That’s when I had my “moment.” Tears came to my eyes as I pondered my next course of action.  Should I go further or should I retreat to the parking lot?  Was I really going to be sick on the side of this rock or could I recover and continue?  And, even more importantly, did I really need to continue? The view I had while sitting in the shade of that little shrub was more magnificent than many people will ever get to experience.  I had already climbed higher than many people would be able to. Some people would never be able to hike on this trail.  Some people would never have been able to fly in the jet to get to this state.  Some people wouldn’t have the energy, some people wouldn’t have the opportunity and I was having a “moment.”  As tears streamed down my face I pondered and looked at this incredible view and I remembered so many other views that I have had that others haven’t.  I’ve seen the hot springs in Iceland, I’ve seen the blue waters of the Turks and Caicos. I’ve been to the top of Rockefeller Center and I’ve kissed the Blarney Stone. I have been blessed beyond belief and I basically almost didn’t feel worthy to go further up to see a more spectacular view. It seems as if after my moment of clarity and appreciation, the nausea subsided and the tears dried up and I stood up and pressed on.  I did make it to the top and I did get to see the Delicate Arch (which, by the way, if you are walking this…the top of the slick rock is not even close to the end of the hike!)


Recently I was listening to a sermon that was speaking about Jesus feeding the five thousand as is written in Mark chapter 6. These people had gathered in the desert and had nowhere to go to get food.  Desert.  They were in the desert, but then in verse 39, Jesus directs the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. Green grass in the desert? So, even in a desert, God provided some green grass for the crowd to sit on. As I listened to the sermon explaining that God provides grass for us in our metaphorical deserts, I recognized that he provided me with shade on the side of a rock.


Lately, I’ve been feeling like I am walking up a steep rock and sitting in a desert.  The global pandemic has been distracting me and making me focus on the heat and misery of the desert and the exhaustion of an uphill climb.  But, I need to keep my eye out for the grass and the shade that the Lord provides for me. When we get through this, I think the view is going to be awesome!

decorative-line-clipart-clipart-panda-free-clipart-images-ezxo3g-clipartThen Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass.          – Mark 6:39


Care to listen to directions and sit down with me? The grass is there, let’s keep looking for it!

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Journaling – Give it a try!


I’m sure at some point in your life you kept a diary or a journal or at some point in your life, someone suggested you do.  And, even more, I think at some point in your life you wish you had.  But, still, many people don’t.  I know, easy for me to say, “you should keep a journal.” I have actually journaled daily for over ten years and prior to that I was hit or miss, but still found comfort in writing things down. When I wasn’t “journaling” officially, I was jotting down notes in calendars that I have saved that date back to 1991. (I know, saving all this stuff should be a topic of another blog and maybe a decluttering intervention!) Regardless, things in our life happen and there is just something cathartic about writing it down.

Journal types vary as much as personality types and I believe with a little effort you can find something that will work for you. 

journalsI journal every morning in a blank lined journal. I purchase these and get these as gifts and they are just blank and I start off writing “thank you for a good night’s sleep” in most entries.  I just write my thoughts, prayers, and thankfulness and journal about the things that happened the day before and also anything that I may have concerns about in the future.  For me, my thoughts and prayers are interwoven, so I tend to jot down names that come to mind and pray for them.  This seems to be the perfect way for me to clear my head, make a plan, and start my day.

guidedGuided Journal – These are fun ways to record some hopes, dreams, ideas, and history. You don’t have to commit to writing daily (but don’t forget to write the date when you do!) Sometimes a page will post a prompt that really gets you thinking or makes you want to take action. In my current guided journal, some of the questions are: “How do you find peace in tough times?” ” Who is someone you shouldn’t give up on?”  and “Reflect on a time when you needed a new beginning.” Guided journaling is a bit more intentional, but looking back at them later is very rewarding.  Definitely worth the time investment!

bulletBullet Journaling – This is the most fun and the best idea for someone who had trouble getting through all the words in this post so far! I started bullet journaling on April 25, 2020. I took a Zoom class with the Butler Library during the global pandemic and my first entry in my journal says, “We are to be on stay at home orders for 2 more weeks. What goals or habits should I try to track for 2 weeks.” (2 WEEKS?!) Short and sweet a bullet journal can help you track habits, make lists, and just jot down things in your life.  You can create a different topic on a different page and fill it with boxes to checks, hearts to color in, and doodles of bullet points. I currently use this journal to keep my contact tracing (Oh, what an icky sign of the times!) Some of my pages are lists of fun ideas to do when stuck at home, good things that have happened since March, tracking a Facebook fast & menu ideas. I also write fun quotes in it and scriptures that inspire me. As I flip through pages of ideas, I come across things I want to remember, for example, “Be so busy improving your life that you have no time to criticize others.”  Probably should flip through this bullet journal more often for reminders and inspiration.

listLastly, an informal gratitude list. When I was suffering from a bout of anxiety about the state of things, I kept a note pad by my bed and I jotted down things that brought me joy that day. I thought it would help me sleep and I think it did.  I went to bed thinking of the good things and not the bad and I woke up seeing the reminder of those good things on the nightstand. Girlfriends, Sunshine, A walk outside, winning at cards, and Chinese take out were all listed for me to remember all that I have. 

date booksIf none of these ideas appeal to you, don’t hesitate to just write down a little something extra on your appointment calendar to remind you of who you were on that day or make a note in your phone.  Whenever you come across any of these things that you’ve taken the time to write down you will be happy that you did! 

Live, Write, Reflect, Repeat. 



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Embracing Plan B for the Holidays

plan b2020 has been a year of Plan B’s. “Plan B” is defined as an alternative strategy and we have certainly had to come up with some alternative strategies in the last 7 months.  From ordering groceries to be delivered to sanitizing doorknobs, we found ways to live with a global pandemic. We have learned to watch movies at home instead of inside a theater and when we say we are dining out, it often means taking Drive Thru food to a picnic table.  We’ve done it all.  But now, it’s getting colder, we are moving inside and the holidays are coming.  The novelty of finding a solution to everyday problems is getting old. So, how can we embrace Plan B for the holidays? I’m not certain, but I am sure it will require a little help from my friends!

Maybe if we share ideas and encouragement, this year of Plan B’s will become a memory that we look at fondly in 2021, but until then we need to do some work!I quickly made a list of 15 activities I do for the holidays. I went back over the list to see what they would look like this year. Seven of them have already canceled for the season, 5 may cancel yet and 3 I didn’t even enjoy, so I scratched them off the list (Covid-19 is the perfect time to reevaluate what we want to do!) That has made my holidays look like ho-hum days! So, I need to get creative and figure out how to replace the events with some fun Plan B ideas!

Now, I can’t share all my ideas just yet because I don’t want to ruin the surprise of what I am starting to consider, but here are a few things to get you thinking in case you want to join me on this journey.

Greeting Cards – Is this the year to send out Thanksgiving Cards and Christmas Cards again? Maybe even the Christmas newsletter or family photo. People really haven’t seen you this year and a lot has happened!

Can’t have people over? Can you deliver creative care packages?

The novelty of Zoom Calls and Facetime has worn off, but we have a better understanding of how to use them and there are tons of fun ideas for parties and games with those.

Definitely not the holiday I’ve dreamed of, but maybe with the right attitude and right ideas, it will be one of simpler things and deeper meaning. I hope so!

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Hobnob with Hobos and Highbrows

IMG_3717I once heard someone say, that they could “Hobnob with Hobos and Highbrows.”  I like that idea and aspire to do that…hobnob with hobos and highbrows.  I realized this weekend that socializing with opposite groups of people is very common to me. I don’t know if it’s my geographic location or simply the circles I run in, but not only do I hobnob with hobos and highbrows, but I hobnob with lots of opposites. Couples with and without children, singles and marrieds, Republicans and Democrats, and maskers and non-maskers. People who eat gluten and people who are gluten-free. Drinkers and Teetotalers, Vegetarians and Carnivores, Christians and unbelievers, and those who prefer Pepsi and those who prefer Coke. I have friends who love winter and those who hate to see it arrive. I enjoy conversations with people with advanced degrees and those who haven’t finished high school. Clearly, there is a very diverse group of people that I hang out with and I enjoy each of them. Their differences make them who they are and make them interesting to me.

This week as many discussions focus on politics and Covid-19, it feels like I am constantly choosing sides. And, as for elections, I suppose I have to choose. Really, though, I want you to know that I respect you and I respect your choice. I simply want us all to get along.

Unfortunately, I am still a work in progress. I will respect you, but I sure wish you’d set down your Coke, don a mask and go into the store and buy me a Diet Pepsi because obviously, Pepsi is better than Coke!


Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.

Matthew 5:9 NIV

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