Monthly Archives: February 2015


The last day of the month is fast approaching.  As I submit those items that have end of the month deadlines, I think about all sorts of “lasts.”  Raising kids has a lot of lasts.  I pondered this yesterday as I thought about the older kids’ Senior years in high school.  Right now, somewhere some mother is mourning Senior Night at a Basketball game.  Her son’s LAST high school basketball game.  Her daughter’s LAST prom dress shopping trip.  Lots of Lasts.  However, as we think of and even mourn some of these lasts, I think of the other lasts that don’t pull on your heart strings as much, but should be acknowledged or remembered.  These are the lasts that you can’t write down on the calendar.  You really can’t celebrate them because you can’t really be certain it is the last.  I remember the last time I did a cartwheel…it was my LAST cartwheel.  I remember the last time I water skied, it was also a last for me.  I couldn’t predict that on that day, it would be but after keeping ice on my back for hours afterward, I have decided it was.  Can parents remember the last time their crying baby kept them up all night? Did they know to celebrate it? Can they remember the last time their kids wet their pants?  The last time they cleaned up a bowl of spilled Cheerios?  When is the last time you stepped on a Lego?  There was a time in my life when I did all of those things daily & without thought.  I struggled to do them again, over and over.  Will I always be finding crayons in pockets headed for the washing machine?  Will they ever remember to take their plate to the sink?  As a matter of fact, they will and then you won’t remember the last time you did some of those things.  It’s okay.  You won’t really be sad, but you will sit back and think about them.  Today I am celebrating some things that I will never do again.  Think with me and celebrate some of your own.

The last time I tucked a certain child in.  The last time I had to drive that kid to the orthodontist.  The last time I had to register a child for Kindergarten.  The last time I brushed her hair.  The last time she asked me for help with her homework.  The last time she used my address as her own.  The last time I had to have THAT boy over for a play date!  The last time I had to watch Blue Clues.  The last time I had to read that story before bed.  The last time I had to dress a Barbie or look for her shoe.

Now having children ages 8-25 means that I extend a lot of my lasts a little longer, but I know some of them are coming and quite honestly it’s bitter sweet.  As long as my lasts come on schedule with as much warning as possible, I’ll be okay.

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Filed under Big Kids, family, Life, Little Kids, Parenting

A Disciplined Day

Lists.  Anyone who knows me knows I live by Lists.  I’m a list maker.  I  make lists for the grocery store, shopping, chores, home improvements, party plans, everyday to-do lists, who to send Birthday cards to.  Lists.  George even found my hidden list where I write down when I’ve sent a card to my kids (& even what was in it.)  I like to keep track with lists.  I do recognize it is a part of my personality.  It’s how I learn, how I discipline myself to get some things done.  Others don’t make list (on paper) but they do, however, keep their lists on their minds.  People can accomplish what they need to accomplish without a list.  Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent and I’ve been thinking about discipline.  The definition of discipline that is:  strict training that corrects or strengthens; habits & ways of acting that are gotten through practice; system of rules.

1 Corinthians 9:24-25   Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize  Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

In a devotion written by Franklin Graham in the book 365 Daily Devotions for Women, he writes:

“God is clear:  we must exercise self-discipline in all matters.  Self-discipline is not simply a proven way to get ahead; it’s also an integral part of God’s plan for our lives.  If we genuinely seek to be faithful stewards of our time, our talents, and our resources, we must adopt a disciplined approach to life.  Otherwise, our talents are wasted & our resources are squandered.  Our greatest rewards result from hard work & perseverance.  May we, as disciplined believers, be willing to work for the rewards we so earnestly desire.”

As I read that devotion, I thought of Lent.  I need to be a more disciplined person.  I need to think about what discipline I can develop to be a better steward of my time and my talents.  Maybe my list could be made shorter, if I turned off the TV more often.  Or, maybe I need to wake up a little earlier.  Are some of the things on my list even necessary or could I spend that time on something else to better serve God?

As we think of Lent and what we might give up or as my mother recommended, start doing….let’s become more aware of the need to live a disciplined life.  Put that on your list of things to do today.

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Filed under Devotionals, Inspirational, Scriptures

Lists of Shoulds & Musts

I am always fascinated when I see a list.  Maybe I would feel fulfilled if I actually accomplished the things on that list.  When the new year rolled around and I was setting goals (& I use those two words very loosely!) I noticed all sorts of lists/goals on the internet.  Here are just a few that caught my eye:

31 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating Now

45 Must See Places to Take Your Kids Before They’re Grown

10 Key Beliefs Every Christian Should Know

36 Little Hacks Guaranteed to Make a Parent’s Job Easier

100 Books to Read Before You Die

52 Places to Go in 2015

You get the idea.  Wouldn’t it be fun to take your kids to those places before they’re grown?  Wouldn’t you love to go to one place a week in 2015?  Aren’t these lists fun goals to set?  I love them and one day I’m going to pick a crazy list and just start at #1 and go for it!  ’27 Surreal Places to Visit Before You Die’ would find me at The Great Blue Hole in Belize, Mendenhall Ice Caves in Alaska & The Swing at the “End of the World” in Banos, Ecuador.  HOWEVER to complete the list I’d have to travel to Vietnam, Gansu, China and the Tunnel of Love in Ukraine, so i don’t see that happening.  So, what would be a worthy list to try to check off?  It would need to be short since I have no attention span for long lists.  It would have to be clear and concise.  Hmmm.  I found one.  Micah 6:8  “He has shown you, O Mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly, to love mercy & to walk humbly with your God.”  Only THREE things.  That should be simple enough.  I could try to check the box beside each one each day.  I could feel fulfilled.  I could, but will I?  It seriously might be easier to travel to Gansu, China!  However, it sure is a worthy list to try!

What list are you working on?  Please share.  Wait!  Maybe you shouldn’t because then I might want to try it too and I already am plugging away at the 100 Books to Read Before I Die.  Looks like I might live forever!

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Filed under Inspirational, Scriptures, Travels

French Toast Casserole

On a cold, winter day, it’s always good to remember that we have a River House that we enjoy when the days are long and the sun is hot.  Each Friday & Saturday finds us cooking hot dogs and s’mores by the fire.  Each Sunday evening finds us with more leftover buns than you can imagine!  How does that happen?  Everyone who visits brings buns.  Hot Dog Buns, Hamburg Buns and extra bread for making Mountain Pies (which we often don’t even bother with.)  So, what to do with those leftover buns.  For the last few years, I’ve entertained myself by putting packages of buns in unsuspecting peoples’ cars.  (Another reason to lock your car!)  But, now, I will be keeping the buns to make this delicious recipe!  I tried it last night and it was a hit with the family.

French Toast Casserole (made with leftover buns!!)

1/2 C Melted Butter

1 C Brown Sugar

1 Loaf Bread (or your leftover buns!)

4 eggs

1 1/2 C Milk

1 tsp Vanilla

Melt butter and add sugar;  Spread this mixture in a 9×13 pan.  Beat Eggs, Milk and Vanilla.  Place half the bread/buns on the bottom of the pan.  Cover with 1/2 of the milk mixture; Layer more bread & top with remaining egg mixture.  Cover and Chill overnight.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  (covered for the first 30 minutes and uncovered for the last 15.)


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Filed under family, Recipes


If you are like me,  you LOVE post-it notes.  Notes here and there telling me to “Mail Birthday Card,’ ‘Get Milk,’ ‘Call So & So.”  I appreciate reminders and need them constantly.  In addition to the temporary post-it note reminders on my walls and cabinet doors, I also have many, many reminders framed and hanging on my walls.  I walk by them so often, I forget what they are reminding me of.  When I walked through my living room, dining room, family room, kitchen and entryway, I was absolutely amazed that all of the following hang there.

Attitude is Everything.

Thank God for What You Have, Trust God for What You Need.

You are my Sunshine.

In the strength of the Lord, I can do all things.

Life is Short, Eat Dessert First.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

You Call It Chaos, We Call It Family.

Rejoice in every good thing the Lord thy God has given unto Thee.


God’s Answers are Wiser Than Our Prayers.

BKLVR (Book Lover)

When We Put Our Cares in His Hands, He puts His Peace into Our Hearts.

Every good and perfect gift is from above.

The Sooner You Fall Behind, the More Time You have to Catch Up.

Don’t Judge Each Day By the Harvest You Reap, but By the Seeds You Plant.

Let It Snow!

Milk, Instant Rice, Cream of Mushroom Soup……….WAIT!  That’s a post it note!

All this inspiration (except for those last two.  I’m not really inspired by snow or grocery shopping!) around me every day.  I walk by the words and hope to receive them through osmosis.  If I could simply abide by the words on my wall, my life would be so much richer.  Just for today, I intend to rest in the peace the words provide…….and definitely…..Eat Dessert First!

What are the words on your wall?  Feel free to share!

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Filed under Inspirational, Life, Passages, Scriptures