Monthly Archives: August 2015

A Facebook Birthday

We all know that Facebook can be fun, but can also be a HUGE waste of time.  When I don’t know what I want to tackle in the way of chores, projects, or tasks, I tend to sit down and check Facebook.  Still not wanting to complete the necessary duties of being a homemaker, I read all the post, refresh and then check again.  It’s a vortex of wasted time & it tends to zap the energy and the motivation to do anything out of me.  However, I feel some sort of sick satisfaction when I have checked it and can feel like I completed that task.  BUT, Refresh? and I’m back in!

While talking to some friends about my use…or misuse of Facebook, one commented that she checks in daily to see whose birthday it is so that she can wish them a “Happy Birthday.”  I explained that I don’t do that for anyone, so that I don’t have to fear forgetting anyone.  BUT, then I had my Birthday.

This was #52 for me and this year I had a good attitude (unlike #50.)  I didn’t have big plans but looked forward to shopping with my sister and having lunch out.  Everyone in my family remembered me and I had a great day.  Then, I checked Facebook.  One Hundred and Eleven people took the time to write on my wall!  Who does that?!  111 of my friends, that’s who!  I read each one and shared a moment remembering each person who sent it.  I took the time to give each comment a thumbs up (like) & felt a little more special for an already special day. It certainly changed my perspective of the Happy Birthday Trend on Facebook.

So, will I remember to always post a memo to each of my 459 friends?  Maybe not each one, but I will definitely do more. And, to those 111 of you….Thank You!  It warmed my heart.  I sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness and know that your gesture has prompted me to be a bit more thoughtful to others on their special day.

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